
Showing posts from December, 2019

items have been well received

I find it difficult to see myself outside of the gender binary: I often like to work within confines, so I don't feel completely 'Bigendered' (just to clarify, this my own personal hang up and I have nothing against individuals who identify this way), though I feel this is the best way to identify. This conflicts with my gender identity at the moment: I see myself as female (biologically) but not a woman. But is it necessarily right to completely identify as trans seeing as I am not dysphoric about my body?. vibrators I feel this on so many levels. I'm 23 and forced to live with my parents for financial reasons + being a student. They are "supportive" in the most shallow way. As we sat at lunch, I could only think of dessert. I felt the glitter painted across my concealed flesh. I was distracted by the present wrapped in my clothing. vibrators dildos I am not on birth control. The problem is that he didn't leave enough space at the tip, and might have k